Monday 19 September 2011

Flag Sea Org Alley:

Darth Xander and friends are filming bus loads of sea orgers being dropped off at Flag.These are some of the most bizarre videos you could ever watch. Most of these people are young adults, late teens, it's astonishing.Are most of these scientology raised kids? Are they out of Narconon? Are they from broken homes, community care homes/boot camps? Or are they recruited from these disgusting celebrity backed youth programmes, like Citizens Commission on Human Rights, Youth for Human Rights? They do not behave like normal people of their age group, they are like regimented robots, only it's not the army or even the navy, it's allegedly ecclesiastical.

This is how Scientology portray The Fort Harrison Hotel  with a true story of the Fort Harrison and Clearwater.

In 1975 that the rapidly expanding Church of Scientology came to Clearwater, looking for an international headquarters.Staff members found a perfect location in the Fort Harrison. As the hotel was run down and only open during the winter months, its owners were ready to lock the doors and walk away.
The Church of Scientology purchased both the Fort Harrison and the Bank of Clearwater Building in that year and started to deliver ministerial counseling and training services to its growing base of parishioners.

About the Church of Scientology Flag Service Organization: The Church of Scientology Flag Service Organization is the international religious retreat for the Church of Scientology’s millions of parishioners. Some 12,000 Scientologists travel to Clearwater every year to partake in Scientology religious services. There are over 8,500 Scientology churches, missions and groups in 165 countries.Scientology is an applied religious philosophy founded by author and humanitarian L. Ron Hubbard. Scientology means “study of knowledge” and its basic tenets include that man is a spiritual being who is seeking to survive.

From Scientology today:

Scroll down for some interesting tidbits from Scientology's warped sense of truth.

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